mierEdu Magic Water Doodle Book Hangtag

Brand: Happy Distribution


Minimum Order: 3 Units

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Product Descriptions: 

The magic water doodle books help teach children words, numbers and colours through magic watercolour art. Fill up the pen with water and brush over the picture to reveal the beautiful scene. This will dry out and evaporate shortly after allowing it to be reused. The magic water doodle book is designed to stimulate your child's interests in learning, exploration and imagination, as well as support their healthy cognitive development.

Put the water into doodle pen, then you can draw on the magic book.

  1. Doodle with only water
  2. Designed for Travel
  3. Learn Words & Numbers
  4. Colour in and learn the animals
  5. Learn counting
  6. Find out the different concepts of plays


  • Material: eco-friendly materials
  • Package: 23 cm x 21 cm x 2.5 cm
  • Includes: 1 Water Doodle Book | 1 Water Pen
  • Age: 3+
  • Minimum Order: 3 Units

RRP:  $24.95

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